Please say hello to our staff. Feel free to contact them with any questions you may have. They are here to help.
Denny Samuelson
Denny Samuelson grew up on a farm in southern Hamilton County and graduated from South Hamilton High School in 1964. He received his Bachelors Degree from Drake University in 1968 and Masters Degree from Iowa State University in 1972.
After eight years as a classroom teacher and four years as a school administrator, Denny joined the staff of Farmers State Bank/South Hamilton Insurance in Jewell in July of 1980. During his time there, he worked as a loan officer and insurance agent, and also served on the bank board of directors.
In January of 2001, Denny joined the staff of Drake Insurance and Financial Services in Radcliffe. His twelve years in public education. and thirty years in banking and insurance, has provided him with the varied background and experience to assist you with all of your insurance needs.
You can contact Denny at 899-2157 or 733-9416 or 836-8129 or at